Felipe Mujica
Born in 1974 in Santiago, Chile; Lives and works in New York

Licenciatura en Arte (BFA), Escuela de Arte, Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile

Capacete Residency, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dirac, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Santiago de Chile
Or Gallery (residency), Vancouver, Canada (with the support of the Visiting Foreign Artist Program, Canada Council for the Arts)
Gasworks Residency
, Gasworks Studios, London
Fondart, Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes, Santiago de Chile
Pollock Krasner Foundation
, New York, US
, Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes, Santiago de Chile
, Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes, Santiago de Chile

Solo and Two Person Exhibitions
Message Salon @ Perla Mode, Zurich - Forthcoming
"No State Exhibition", Die Ecke Arte Contemporaneo, Santiago de Chile   
"Sound Sound Sound", Galería Metropolitana, Santiago de Chile   
"Cerberus", planet 22, Geneva (in collaboration with Diego Fernández and Johanna Unzueta)
"MMUU", Centro Cultural Matucana 100, Santiago de Chile (2 person show with Johanna Unzueta)
"JPN", Galería Gabriela Mistral, Santiago de Chile (2 person show with Diego Fernández)
"When a dog meets another dog", Galerie Christian Nagel, Cologne
"Joe Villablanca y Felipe Mujica", Galería Gabriela Mistral, Santiago de Chile  
"Poniente", Taller Puesta en Escena, Santiago de Chil

Group Exhibitions
"Be Marginal, Be a Hero", Thrust Projects, New York
"Algunas Bestias", Perros Negros, Mexico D.F.
"Arte Argentino Contemporaneo", VK Proyectos, Bogotá
"Linea de Hormigas", A Gentil Carioca, Rio de Janeiro
"Pais de Poetas", The Rotunda Gallery, Brooklyn, New York
"El Efecto Pedagógico: Homenaje a Eduardo Vilches", Galería Zocalo, CNCA, Valparaiso, Chile "Contra Golpe", organized by Instituto Divorciado, Karl Marx Allee 87, Berlin
"When Artists Say We", Artists Space, New York
"Trapped by Mutual Affection", a project by Galerie Christian Nagel Cologne/Berlin, Miami Design District (with Diego Fernández and Johanna Unzueta)
"Disperced Pieces of Something", Message Salon, Zurich
"International Encounter of Independent Art Spaces", Hoffman's House, Valparaiso,Chile
"Reward, Mas Musica & The Chalkboad Boards", Gasworks Studios, London (open studio)
"La Nube Loca", Espacio La Rebeca, Bogotá, Colombia (with Johanna Unzueta and Juan Céspedes)
"Video Rental" (2004-2006), traveling project organized by e-flux, New York
"Condoros/Mistakes", a project by Galería Chilena, exhibited at Galería Metropolitana, Santiago de Chile, and at Union Walk, East End, London (in collaboration with 24/7 Gallery)
"The L Factor", Exit Art, New York
"To be political it has to look nice", as Galería Chilena, apexart, New York
"Hijos del 73", SAC Gallery, University of Stony Brook, Long Island, New York
"Resistencia y Abandono", Sala El Tunel, Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago de Chile
"Usted esta aqui", Espacio La Rebeca, Bogotá & Galeria Metropolitana, Santiago de Chile
"Sudamericanrockers", John Hartell Gallery, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
"Cierre Suave", Hoffman House, Santiago de Chile
"Painting Zero Degree" (2000-2002), curated by Carlos Basualdo, organized and circulated by Independent Curators International. Venues include: Cranbrook Museum of Art, Michigan; Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, OK; Fuller Museum of Art, MA; UMBC's Fine Arts Gallery, Maryland; Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, OH; St. Mary's University Art Gallery, Halifax, Canada
"Doméstico", curated by Mario Navarro, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Valdivia, Chile
"Especes d' Espaces", curated by Michèle Faguet, Swiss Institute, New York
"1ra Bienal de Artes Visuales del Mercosur", Vertiente Constructiva, Porto Alegre, Brasil

Collaboration Projects
1997 - 2005
Galeria Chilena (GCH): a nomadic artist-run space founded with Diego Fernández and Joe Villablanca. From 1997to early 2000 GCH organized exhibitions, talks and concerts in Santiago, Chile. In 2000 two of its members relocatedin New York, since then GCH participated in and organized several group exhibitions in Chile and abroad, working as a mixture of artist collective and curatorial group.
1995 -...
Tazos, a musical project with Diego Fernández. Since 1995 Tazos has produced several homemade tapes and CD'sthat basically contain a mix of experimental rock, lo-fi improvisations and ambient sounds. In 2005 Tazos releaseits compilation vinyl "Frota Frota", edition of 300.

Edgar A. Hernández, "Cuestionan Cliché Latinoamericano", Diario Excelsior, Mexico D.F., November 5th
Suzana Velasco, "O Rio como ateliê para os estrangeiros", O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, July 29th
Alberto Madrid, "Girola y Mujica: Geometrías", review, Artes y Letras, El Mercurio, Santiago de Chile, July 15th
Luis Alarcon y Ana Maria Saavedra, "Galería Metropolitana 1999 - 2007", Artlink, Vol.27, No2, Australia
Pazmaker 2&3, edited by Perros Negros, Mexico D.F.
"Copiar el Eden, Arte Reciente en Chile", edited by Gerardo Mosquera. Published by Puro Chile, Santiago de Chile
"On Cultural Influence", edited by Steven Rand & Heather Kouris, published by apexart, New York
Michèle Faguet, "A Brief Account of Two Artist Run Spaces", The Fillip Review, Vancouver, B.C.
"Condoros/Mistakes", photocopy catalogue (ed. of 150), published by Galeria Chilena, London
Michèle Faguet, "Marginally successful: A brief account of two artist-run spaces", apexart conference at   the Museum of Modern Art of Honolulu (available at www.apexart.org )
Richard Leslie, "To be political it has to look nice", review, Art Nexus, #52 Volume 3
Holland Cotter, "A New Latino Essence, Remixed and Redistilled", review, The New York Times, Nov. 28th
"To be political it has to look nice", catalogue, edited by Pablo Leon de la Barra, apexart, New York
"Galeria Chilena", photocopy catalogue (ed. of 120), published by Galeria Chilena, New York
Margarita Sanchez Prieto, "Escape from Social Utopia, New Art in Argentina and Chile", Third Text 55, Summer
"JPN", catalogue, Galería Gabriela Mistral, Santiago de Chile
Justo Pastor Mellado. "Textos Estratégicos". Cuadernos de la Escuela de Arte #7, Universidad Católica, Santiago de Chile
Carlos Basualdo, "Painting Zero Degree", catalogue, Independent Curators International, New York
"La coleccion itinerante y el lugar que se mueve", text by Felipe Mujica, Revista Indice, Santiago de Chile
Joy Hakanson Colby, "Cranbrook exhibit takes a skewed look at painting", review, The Detroit News, Feb.23rd
Mario Navarro, "Doméstico", catalogue, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Valdivia, Chile
"Arte Reciente en Santiago de Chile", catalogue, Galeria Posada del Corregidor, Santiago de Chile
"1ra Bienal del Mercosur", catalogue, published Fundacion Bienal del Mercosur, Porto Alegre
"Christian Nagel: Art from South America", review, K ö lner Stadt Anzeiger, Cologne, August 29th
"Nice Portafolio", catalogue, published by Diego Fernández & Felipe Mujica, Cologne
"Tetris", BFA final paper published in "Cuadernos de Arte #3", Escuela de Arte PUC, Santiago de Chile
"Joe Villablanca & Felipe Mujica", catalogue, Galería Gabriela Mistral, Santiago de Chile